Friday, February 29, 2008

My take on CoverItLive, now at Poynter

I'm now a contributor to Poynter.Org's E-Media Tidbits. My first piece, a follow-up report on, has just been posted. Feedback welcome.

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If you'd like to be in on the NMC conference in June...

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nancybelle Valentine's family tree

This information is based on interviews with Nancybelle and her mother, a 2001 newspaper interview with her mother, and searches of the 1880 and 1930 US Census data. The one area of uncertainty is the information on Nancybelle 's grandmother. Her name was Rovutter Daniel Wilson, but she was known as Annie within her family. I found a census record for an Ann Daniel that largely corresponded to the information Elder Nancybelle gave me about her grandmother. Thus, the lines drawn from her images are wavy to denote this uncertainty.

If you have trouble reading the text on the image, try this page.

The images of Nancybelle and her sister are by James Vanderzee.

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